

one of my dearest and oldest friends got engaged last night!

congrats matt and lara :)

please let me help plan your wedding. k, thanks, bye.


next Christmas

too bad i didn't find this site 3 weeks ago. i would have asked for a thru q for Christmas.

especially this one -

dear Santa, please take note.
hearts and hugs, elle



i find that snow regresses my age quite significantly. i couldn't sleep past 6 am on the morning of the impending nor'easter. thank the Lord for snow ... in all of it's glittery, powdery, magical goodness.

it's perfect white blanket made me contemplate all the wonderful metaphors for the season, God's love, and His plans for us. it makes the world seem new again. it unifies us. makes everything beautiful in an otherwise dreary and gray world. reminds us of what a great God we serve - one that can show Himself in wondrous ways.

saturday night p.j. and i contemplated what christmas movie to watch (it only seemed right, with snow on the ground and all). we 'discussed' this decision for quite some time, finally ending on 'holiday inn' - a classic. i fell asleep halfway though.

on sunday we went caroling to the elderly from our church that don't normally get to sunday services. they were so thankful and their faces said it all. when we got to a nursing home, my spirit was crushed - so many left behind. just sitting. who's loving them? caring for them? showing them that they are special? it was in those moments that God really smacked me in the face with how blessed i am. how wonderful it is to have someone walk beside you in life. someone to take your hand and help you through it all. and someone to decide what christmas movie to watch on a snowy saturday night.

to quote one of p.j.'s favorite christmas movies (shhh ... don't tell)

'love actually is all around'


i forgot this existed

how i love thee

and quite sad, because i forgot about this song/album until today. how dare i forget an indie christmas.

the sad melodies (and lyrics) of the majority of the songs threaten to put me in a funk. but i shall instead remember all the blessings of the season.

my winter song ...


i was better in college

instead of getting down to business and completing all of the tasks in front of me, i frequently find myself overwhelmed, discouraged, and sitting on the couch. i have so much to do, i can't get myself to do any of it.

i want to decorate our house for christmas (because, let's face it, it IS the most wonderful time of the year) but i can't bring myself to do it. i want to organize our clothes. but i can't. i want to scrub the bathrooms and kitchen til my reflection gleams in their outdated counter tops. but i can't. i want to get rid of everything that we don't need or use. but i can't. i need to finish unpacking and put everything in its place. but i can't.

in college we had deadlines. paper due november 12th. presentation on the 17th. group projects, essays, online assignments, meetings. i would procrastinate til the cows came home, but i was better under pressure and got it done. i didn't always love what i handed it, but i was proud that i waited that long and still pumped it out and got it handed in.

then you graduate and life still has deadlines, but they aren't the same. the consequences don't seem as immediate or terrible. so the living room is dusty. important paperwork in thrown in a drawer. your 'handwashables' don't get handwashed. the extra bedroom is mess and completely not functional. this is not to say that our house is in shambles. but i know i could do a better job ... right now i'm giving myself an F in domesticity.

maybe that's what i need to do - create a schedule of deadlines in my head (or on paper) for everyday tasks. set realistic goals and get things done. GET THINGS DONE. tackle one thing at a time, not 37.

perhaps this wasn't the best time of the year to have this revelation. but maybe it was. i excelled at the end of semesters - when the pressure was on. well, elle, it's crunch time again, are you going to rise or fall?



i just came home from the dentist - probably my most hated place on the face of this sweet earth. seriously. cannot stand it. it might be because i have this recurring nightmare that all of my teeth fall out. i'm always in what seems like a normal situation, when i start spitting my teeth out and i can feel my bare gums. i normally wake up, and touch each of my teeth to make sure that they are still intact. *shivers*
anyway, i hadn't been there for like 2 years because of college/insurance and dragging my little feet. so i get there, have to fill out what seems like a ridiculous amount of paper work just because my name and insurance changed. i promise i'm still the same person. cross my heart.
and then they call me in - insert death march music. it changed very little in two years. except the chairs are all new and space-age looking. neat.
what does the dentist really do? pokes at each of my teeth, tells me i have a tiny cavity on number 19 and goes on about his evening. then the silly hygienist rapes my gums. she used some sonic pulse thing because my teeth are "tight". creeped me the heck out. it was vibrating and shooting water everywhere. and then she got my hair caught in the spit sucker upper thingy. very professional.

there is no real moral to this story. or point. just that i wish a plague on both their houses.

well, that's not quite fair. it's not their fault entirely. but still, it will take me days to recover from this.


this is new

so, people have been telling me for quite some time that twitter is awesome and i should have a blog. now, i thought twitter was dumb. and last night i started tweeting. the next logical step is get a blog and ramble on about music, silly youtube videos and weird things that happen in my life. this may become an obsession, like other things have in the past. case in point: i used to whine incessantly about how annoying high school musical was. now, i love it. i'm not sure when i decided that made-for-tv musicals geared toward 4 year olds were awesome, but i somehow made the switch. perhaps i'll start loving this too ...