
check it beeyotch.

something new

because i don't know how to combine this and that at the moment, check it out!


LAX (Parts 1 & 2)

the final season of LOST starts tonight. i am super excited. SUPER EXCITED. my questions, they claim, will finally be answered. this my dear, has been a long time coming.

way back when, before the third season began, we spent a summer, holed up in a living room with a make-shift tent (to give it the rustic feel it deserved) watching 2 to 3 heart stopping episodes a night. it was intense to say the least. we had a tent for crying out loud. and real plants. so you can understand the time, the effort, the tears, the frustrations that have gone into this crazy little thing they call LOST.

now hear me out. i frequently complain about this show. and act like i don't care. but deep deep down, i cannot bear to live another day without knowing if juliette is dead or if we'll ever see claire again. and why is there a fake locke? is jacob dead for reals? is boone coming back (cause that would be super since he's such a nice piece of eye candy)? I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!!


i'll check in tomorrow. i'm sure nothing will be answered. and i'll be tired. and want to pull my hair out. but for the next 16 weeks, i will be glued to the TV at 9 pm on tuesday nights to witness THE FINAL SEASON.



i adore this.
it would look so sweet in our (almost finished) dining room.
want. want. want.


i've been getting pretty bad headaches daily. they aren't always the same kind, so i'm desperate to figure out what's causing them.

to help and remedy the situation, i've bought a new pillow, reimplemented the humidifier in our bedroom, and adjusted my monitor brightness at work. i have noticed that they are much worse during the week. coincidence? i think not.

perhaps it's the florescent lighting (we all know that it's not a girls best friend). the fact that it's an old farm house may also have something to do with it. or maybe just the stress of the week weighing me down?

i don't think i've ever had stress manifest itself in anything other than a zit or a big cry. perhaps it has all caught up with me. come to think of it, my muscles do seem quite tight and i haven't been sleeping as well as i used to. and it's not that i lay awake at night worrying about the days ahead. maybe it's just a general uneasiness about the future. sometimes the future can be quite scary.

well, here's to solving the problem! i know i don't have the answer, but i'm praying for some guidance to find it ...