i've been getting pretty bad headaches daily. they aren't always the same kind, so i'm desperate to figure out what's causing them.
to help and remedy the situation, i've bought a new pillow, reimplemented the humidifier in our bedroom, and adjusted my monitor brightness at work. i have noticed that they are much worse during the week. coincidence? i think not.
perhaps it's the florescent lighting (we all know that it's not a girls best friend). the fact that it's an old farm house may also have something to do with it. or maybe just the stress of the week weighing me down?
i don't think i've ever had stress manifest itself in anything other than a zit or a big cry. perhaps it has all caught up with me. come to think of it, my muscles do seem quite tight and i haven't been sleeping as well as i used to. and it's not that i lay awake at night worrying about the days ahead. maybe it's just a general uneasiness about the future. sometimes the future can be quite scary.
well, here's to solving the problem! i know i don't have the answer, but i'm praying for some guidance to find it ...